End of Life Resources
I’m sharing this list of books, media and websites that have been helpful and inspiring on my own journey to better understand dying and the end of life. I hope these resources offer insight and support on your own path.

Atul Gawande: 'Being Mortal'
Dr Kathryn Mannix: 'Listen - How to find the Words for Tender Conversations'
David Kessler: 'The Needs of the Dying'
Brian L Weiss: 'Many Lives, Many Masters'
Henry Fersko-Weiss: 'Caring for the Dying'
Dennis Klass, Pyllis Silverman & Steven Nickman: 'Continuing Bonds - New Understandings of Grief'
Richard Carlson: 'What About The Big Stuff?'
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross: 'Living with Death & Dying'
Karen Armstrong: 'Compassionate Charter'
Marie Curie UK: 'What Matters To Me'
Paul Barton: 'Piano for 80 yr old Elephant'
Alua Arthur: 'Why thinking about death helps you live a better life'
Dr Kathryn Mannix TEDxNewcastle: "What Happens as we Die?"


The Conversation: 'Death Literacy...'
Grattan Institute: 'Dying Well'
Marie Curie UK: 'Caring for Someone with a Terminal Illness'
Gerard & Dr Helen-Anne Manion: 'Dying at Home'
Voluntary Assisted Dying in Victoria